I’m overwhelmed

Posted: February 13, 2013 in Fighting Back, Letters and Documentation, Who Am I?

This week, our site broke the 50,000 views mark.  I have mixed emotions about that.

It’s a very good feeling to think about all the people helped along the way.  I have talked to so many people on e-mail, chat, and the phone… and my heart just broke for them.  These were not people who said “I (or a loved one) went to a psychiatric hospital and hated it….”   Let’s be very clear… these people said “I (or a loved one) went to this particular hospital… and these really horrific circumstances resulted.”

But… when I first started the site?  No way I would have ever guessed that so many people had such bad experiences.  I was shocked to see how many people wrote in and shared their stories.  I’m also shocked to see how many people do searches every day about this hospital.  Never underestimate how many people are looking into a service provider, especially one as important as psychiatric care.

The day I tried to get UBH Denton and in particular Atique Khan to simply correct my medical records?  The sheer ARROGANCE to suggest that there was no wrongdoing and no need for correction when the discharge papers were completely inconsistent with the admission papers?  That, my friends, is the complete unmitigated total crock of proverbial shit.

Meanwhile, at the time?  I honestly didn’t see two lawsuits, over 5 years and 50,000 visitors to a website coming down the pike.  If I had?  I probably would have just given up and resigned myself to the fact that in this world?  Sometimes you’re the windshield, but usually… you’re the bug.

In any case…. let’s lighten things up a bit.   Hey…. gotta riddle for you!

What’s the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when it hits the windshield?

Its ass.

  1. Heartbroken says:

    My loved one passed away this year at this HELL HOLE of a so called hospital. Anyone who has a loved one or is thinking about admitting a loved one to this HELL HOLE please, please get them help somewhere else. My family and I do not want another family going thru this hell we are going thru. Please talk to anyone and everyone that will listen about this HELL HOLE murdering place!!!!

    • Mad raped at mayhill says:

      I feel for you in so many ways call Dawn join the fight to make these people pay my story I’s note worthy comment from site I was raped and drugged to keep quite I have lost everything I will not stop or give up you should not dawn smith has saved me call her join are fight get justice for what happen she’s amazing

  2. […] more updates see the blog Worst Hospitals in American: UBH Denton Sux. Over at that blog, Wells is “overwhelmed” but her sense of humor is holding […]

  3. Sue pusateri says:

    I believe my nephew is a new patient at Mayhill Psychiatric hospital, I’ve talked to him when he called from their phone. He says he’s given them my name for his file but yet they will not confirm that he is a patient, the lady on the phone says I need a patient number, I’ve got his name , birthdate etc. They will not verify he is there. Help!

    • ubhdenton says:

      Sue I wish I could help you. I don’t think there is anyone who can do anything about this, though, except your nephew. He will need to give you that patient number so you can contact him. I know when I was in UBH Denton (which still sucks, in my humble opinion) that was their procedure.

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